Zaack CR®
Continuous monitoring of fine particle concentrations in cleanrooms
Zaack CR® is a measuring device for continuous monitoring of particle concentrations in controlled environments (cleanrooms, operating theatres, pharmaceutical production lines, etc.), certified to ISO 21501-4 for cleanrooms.
This system enables the concentration of fine particles (in pcs/m3) present in a controlled environment to be monitored remotely, without the need for operator intervention. The information is collected in real time and alerts (via your BMS system) are quickly issued to inform the manager in the event of a fault.
In accordance with the normative constraints of controlled environments, our continuous monitoring system provides an estimate of the number of fine particles present in the air. This system provides additional monitoring to the clean room qualifications carried out at least once a year.
It allows you to better manage your facilities, i.e. better control the ventilation of your cleanrooms and optimise their energy consumption.
All the data from the sensors deployed on your installations can be centralised on the site’s BMS.
Particle monitoring of your cleanrooms can provide you with additional information beyond qualification, so you can better control the quality of the air in the environment. This can be useful for customer audits, for example.
The Zaack CR® particle sensors, developed in close collaboration with Piera Systems, are ISO 21501-4 cleanroom certified.