Personalised advice

Our advice and personalised assistance


At Zaack, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with tailor-made solutions for monitoring and optimising Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Our support is not limited to the installation of our sensors and systems. We go beyond that with a comprehensive service, including personalised advice based on the specific features of each environment.

Advice on positioning the boxes

Room volume, presence of air extractors…

Our experts can advise you on the best location for your metrology boxes.

Enclosure maintenance

Monitoring of measurement drift over time
Laboratory calibration (recommended every year)

In the event of a breakdown or maintenance operation: replacement of boxes to ensure continuity of measurement

Secure data hosting

Zaack Cloud Platform – Storage: 5 years rolling
RGPD (EU) 2016/679 (‘GDPR’) compliant

Restitution of data at any time

Data analysis based on our Machine Learning algorithms

Continuous monitoring of pollution parameters by artificial intelligence

Mobile and desktop applications for tracking all your data and exporting it at any time

API for on-demand integration with your GTCs


In-app and email alerts & recommendations

Recommendations for action to improve IAQ

Expert support

Predictive maintenance thanks to a network of hygiene partners

Optimise the quality of your indoor air with Zaack® connected solutions

Ensure a healthy, high performing environment with our intelligent IAQ monitoring systems.

Contact a Zaack expert now for personal advice and support!

Measure indoor air quality in real time

Zaack IAQ®

Monitor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) continuously and in real time


Zaack QAI

Zaack DUST®

Monitor dust levels in ventilation networks continuously and in real time

Zaack DUST

Zaack CR®

Monitor fine particle concentrations in cleanrooms continuously and in real time


Zaack CR®