Services: ZAACK
Zaack provides its clients with turnkey services to monitor their indoor air quality. From installations to tailor-made advice and recommendations, or even specialist intervention, Zaack aims to accompany its clients towards their air quality objectives by providing a complete and well-rounded solution.
We provide a complete set of tools and functions to monitor the evolution of your IAQ.
Zaack services ensure continuous monitoring of indoor air quality. Once connected to the Internet/Wifi network (optional 4G) or LoRa, data are transmitted via a secure connection to our servers. Owned by the client, the data is stored in a secure data center. The data history over one year can be viewed in real time via our mobile and web applications. Older data is archived and provided on request.
Based on deep learning, the more data we collect, the more we know the specifics of your building.
Coupled with open data on outdoor air quality, our artificial intelligence allows continuous monitoring and improvement of your indoor air quality parameters.
Predictive maintenance, the supply of fresh air, the replacement of filters, the identification of chronic pollution or the appearance of new sources of pollution are just examples of personalized advice from which our customers benefit.
Wherever you are, access the data directly on our web and mobile applications, from your computer, PC, tablet, or smartphone.