About Zaack
Zaack is the “R&I” subsidiary of IGIENAIR group (Specialist in Air Quality Services: Third party testing, HVAC Duct Cleaning, Clean Room Qualification, etc.).
Zaack Designs, Develops and Manufactures innovative products for real time monitoring of Indoor Air Quality that empowers businesses by means of improving worker safety and well-being, improving productivity and keeping a good working environment.
We provide businesses with a complete ecosystem that enables real-time monitoring, visualisation and management of Indoor Air Quality parameters.
Las Vegas, USA – March 4-6, 2024
ZAACK, Powered by IGIENAIR, will be present at the NADCA,
an event organized by the National Association of Air Duct Cleaners.
Open to trade, industry and education professionals,
this meeting focuses on cleaning and hygiene,
offering attendees the opportunity to explore the latest industry trends and advances.
Award 2023 for the best
Co2 sensor
ZAACK is proud to win this year again
the Award for the best Co2 sensor
in the 2023 edition of the AIRLAB Solutions challenge.
ZAACK QAi® allows you to monitor in real time
the essential parameters for a good Indoor Air Quality.
Air Quality regulations in France and in other countries
Outdoor Air Quality is a major health concern around the world. The World Health Organization has issued guidelines about health effects and exposure thresholds for the numerous outdoors pollutants that end up in the atmosphere from natural phenomena and human activities. Most big cities exceed these thresholds for certain pollutants regulary or on a regular basis. Indoor Air Quality, while less known and publicized, is at least as deadly if not more.
In France, the French Labor Law and the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) issued a set of threshold values for work environment exposure to most pollutants (VLEP).
Since 2018, the Grenelle 2 Decree has come into effect for all ERP (Establishment Receiving the Public), in 3 major steps to raise public awareness of indoor air quality.
In Belgium, the Code du Bien-Être du travail (Workplace well-being code) also provides guidelines and threshold for pollutant concentrations in workplaces.
In the UK, the NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) also recently updated its guidelines on Indoor Air quality.
In the United Arab Emirates, threshold values are also given by Dubai Municipality, Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC)
Indoor Air Quality plays a major role in health and well-being
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Health, comfort and well-being of the occupants
Life Quality and Air Quality are intrinsically linked. Simple discomfort, headaches, dry throat, stinging and nasal congestion are direct and immediate effects of a bad Air Quality.
- Risks prevention
Many chronic infections and diseases (COPD, asthma, allergic rhinitis, PND, etc.) can be directly associated with chronic bad air quality.
Financial impact of IAQ
- Performance and productivity enhancements
A bad Air Quality will cause drowsiness and sleepiness among other discomforts, which will lead loss of attention and absenteeism, therefore reducing productivity.
- Three steps to solve a sanitary problem
- The Reactive approach comes with diagnosis, and benefits from thorough knowledge of the problem to design a tailor-made solution. It usually comes with a high impact on healt and at a very high financial cost.
- The Preventive approach will try to avoid the problem altogether by removing potential pollution sources ahead of time through scheduled maintenance. The health impact cost is lower, but the monetary cost can be higher.
- The Predictive way optimize the solution by taking the best of both preceding methods. It continuously monitors and plans maintenance when needed. Industry 4.0 is notably based on this principle. Predictive cleaning of Ventilation Duct Networks is a typical measure that helps saving energy and lowering expenses.
Air Quality and Health
A chronic and systemic issue
According to WHO, 91% of the world’s population lives in or goes to places with pollutant concentrations exceeding WHO guidelines. Indoor Air Pollution is as important but a lot less publicized than smog or pollution veils in big cities.
A compounding factor
In recent years, WHO categorized bad Air Quality as a major compounding factor for numerous diseases (stroke, heart diseases, respiratory afflictions, etc.). Each year, close to 7 million deaths are directly associated with bad Air Quality.
Susceptible people are at higher risks
Close to half of infant deaths by pneumonia are linked to bad air quality (source WHO), most notably from cooking smoke and soot. People with pulmonary deficiencies or diseases and the elderly are also particularly susceptible to complications from a bad Air Quality.
They, together with our team, are a guarantee of quality and technical excellency, as well as enhanced reactivity and support.
Zaack Pilot of your indoor air quality
Zaack smart solutions ensure real-time and uninterrupted control of your Indoor Air Quality. Connected to the cloud via Ethernet, Wifi (4G) or LoRa, your data are collected and sent to our servers via a secure connection. A private property of our clients, the data is stored in a secure data center and can be accessed in real-time via our web and mobile apps.
With the help of deep learning, we get more familiar with the specificity of your buildings with time which allows for more specialized counselling. In conjunction with exterior air quality Open Data, our smart data analysis empowers our clients with more tool to improve and control their IAQ:
Predictive maintenance, fresh air ventilation, air filter replacements…
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Zaack IAQ® measures in real-time 11 of the most common indoor pollutants. Each pollutant has its own dedicated sensor to ensure specific and accurate air quality data.
- Comfort parameters: temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure
- Gaseous pollutants: CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide), O3 (Ozone), CO (Carbon Monoxide), TVOCs (Total Volatile Organic Compounds)
- Particulate matter: PM1 / PM2.5 / PM10
- The following pollutants can be measured on demand: H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide), SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide), CH4 (Methane and Hydrocarbon)
Reliable measurements are ensured by comparison to reference analyzers prior to every deployment of our devices.
A validation certificate is also established (currently only on demand).
Zaack IAQ® is a connected monitoring station: every thirty seconds, data logs are sent to the cloud through a secure connection.
Data are available for visualization through our mobile and web apps.
We manage the entire platform
Need access to your data?
It is possible to access your data from anywhere and any platform through our web and mobile apps. You can access the data from your web browser anywhere or download the app on your tablet or smartphone, without the need to download data or use a specific device.
Zaack DUST® :
An innovative product inspired by a Standard…
This standard is based on national legislations and European guidelines. It gives directives about control methods and proper maintenance for air ventilation networks.
Zaack DUST® :
Pilots your HVAC systems
Zaack DUST® devices can be installed on all types of existing air ventilation ducts in HVAC systems. It is highly recommended to have the network cleaned prior to installation of Zaack DUST®.
Prior to initial operation, our operators must inspect the duct to measure the initial dust thickness. This ensures proper calibration of the device and therefore more reliable data. This can also assess the quality of the previous cleaning of the duct.
Thanks to the LoRaWAN Gateway, the mean data measured over a week is sent once a week to the cloud via a secure connection. Real-time visualisation of measurements and data export can be done through our Zaack DUST® app.
Our app is set to send alarms based on NF EN 15 780 Standard. A weekly report is sent to the user via e-mail when dust deposit measurements exceed 80 % of threshold value, with additional warning when above threshold.
Zaack DUST® :
A better Control of your Installations
Using Zaack DUST® provides customers with a powerful tool to make predictive maintenance on ventilation ducts:
- Real-time information about your ventilation network state enables better planning for maintenance, and therefore lowers costs (duct and diffuser cleaning, filter replacement, fan maintenance…)
- Ensures optimum comfort and diminishes potential health-related problems.
- Saves energy through reduction of pressure drop in the ventilation systems.
- Allaws fast response through warnings in cases when action is needed (NF EN 15780)